Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Lack of Real ID funding stymies states

Two years after enactment of the Real ID Act to create national driver’s license standards, the long ride toward implementation has been slow and bumpy, and the road ahead still has some potholes to dodge. Recent developments suggest that deployment of the controversial Real ID national identification program still faces significant obstacles related to its $11 billion cost and its privacy and security risks. Legislatures in 17 states have taken action opposing the act, according to the American Civil Liberties Union. What’s more, the Senate recently took a stand against funding it. An amendment submitted by Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) to provide $300 million toward Real ID implementation costs failed July 26. (Washington Technology story)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


The name's Dennis, though most people call me 'Freaky'. :P I'm in my "teens" and kinda lost in the world at the moment...however, I've found the hippie "culture" and discovered that it fits me very well...I'm not trying to fit into it, it just kind of fitted onto me.
I have lots of questions, which hopefully some of the older and wiser people on this board will be able to help answer.
Here's to hoping this board will be able to help me discover more of myself and fuel my beliefs.

Peace out, Dennis from [url=]Online Payday Loans[/url] website!