Monday, December 17, 2007

Chertoff sets priorities for 2008

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff highlighted the department's 2007 achievements Dec. 12, also naming four key areas that he plans to focus on in the coming year: border security and immigration, secure identity, cybersecurity, and operations. Chertoff also said the department will spend the next year looking internally to improve the way it functions as a single, unified institution. He said one of the obstacles is excessive congressional oversight. While insisting that he believes monitoring is good for the department, he said DHS is dealing with "oversight run amok." In 2007, DHS officials testified before Congress 224 times. In the five-year history of the agency, officials have provided 7,800 written reports and answered 13,000 questions for the record.
(Government Executive story; DHS press release with Chertoff's complete remarks)

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