Tuesday, July 17, 2007

ID programs at fork in the road

The State and Homeland Security departments are poised to take major steps forward on biometric identification card technology, but the paths ahead for each of two concurrent programs appear dramatically different. State now is awaiting proposals from vendors to provide equipment to manufacture the People Access Security Service card, sometimes referred to as passport-lite. The technology issues surrounding the PASS card have proven to be no less contentious than the underlying policy requirement that citizens returning to the country show secure biometric identification, such as a passport or PASS card. DHS’ Citizenship and Immigration Services has issued a statement of objectives that sets out its requirements as part of its acquisition process for a broad overhaul of the agency’s technology for manufacturing various kinds of credentials — most of them used as visas and identification at borders and to prove eligibility for employment.
(Government Computer News story; DHS Citizenship and Immigrations Services Web site)

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