Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Information exchange model at the next level

The National Information Exchange Model has gotten its first upgrade. Version 2 should be released by the end of this month, and the final beta is available on the NIEM site. “There are literally thousands of changes. It’s a major extension,” said Paul Wormeli, executive director of the Integrated Justice Information Systems Institute, a Justice Department-funded nonprofit that supports the NIEM program management office. “We’ve gone through a beta stage where we got a lot of good comments from people, and we’re feeling now that this is [a] pretty solid release.” The large Extensible Markup Language schema, overseen by the Homeland Security and Justice departments, provides a common language for federal, state and local agencies to share information on natural disasters, terrorist attacks and other crises. Each piece of agency data is tagged by a particular NIEM name so it can easily be identified by systems outside the one where it originated.
(Government Computer News story; NIEM Web site; Value of NIEM in .pdf format)

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