Thursday, July 26, 2007

NASCIO provides disaster recovery checklist

The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) urges state CIOs to engage in disaster recovery planning, execution, and testing to reduce the risk of system and service unavailability. IT Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Tool-kit: Planning for the Next Disaster includes checklists to use before, during, and after a disaster and brainstorming worksheets to help cope with an IT crisis and help make the business case for disaster recovery and business continuity activities.

The six checklists are:

  1. Strategic and Business Planning Responsibilities
  2. Top Steps States Need to Take to Solidify Public/Private Partnerships Ahead of Crises
  3. How do you make the Business Case on the Need for Redundancy?
  4. General IT Infrastructure and Services
  5. Tactical Role of CIOs for Recovery During a Disaster
  6. Tactical Role of CIOs for Recovery After a Disaster Occurs

(NASCIO toolkit in .pdf format; NASCIO Web site)

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